CH JusticeRidge First Edition "Dolly" |
June 2009 |
CH JusticeRidge First Edition, JC "Dolly" (HP25739301) DOB:
4/9/2007 - 3/6/2018 (Gone too Soon) OFA Hips - EXCELLANT (RR-9496E25F-VPI) OFA
Elbows - NORMAL (RR-EL3902F25-VPI) OFA Cardiac - NORMAL (RR-CA1086/25F/P-VPI) OFA
CERF - NORMAL (RR-1758/2009-26) OFA DM - NORMAL (RR-DM558/19F-PI) OFA Thyroid
- NORMAL (RR-TH1712/27F-VPI) CHIC # - 58588 Breeder: Tina Jones SIRE: CH Jones' Adjamu-Two For CJ "Jamu" (HP04559704) & DAM: CH Kariba JusticeRidge AylaMichele, SC (HP12161402)
79th RRCUS National Specialty |
CH JusticeRidge First Edition "Dolly" |
JusticeRidge Has a NEW Champion!
CH JusticeRidge First Edition, JC "Dolly"
CH JusticeRidge First Edition, JC "Dolly"
Winner's Bitch - September 13, 2009
Sir Francis Drake Kennel Club
Judge: Mrs Patricia H. Gilbert
From the "Bred By Class" w/ Breeder, Owner and Handler, Tina Jones
Dolly Wins 5 Pt Major at Five Valley KC - 6/21/09 |
Thank You Judge Mrs Arlene Davis and Handler Pam Lambie |
Dolly Wins 4 Pt Major at Electric Cit y KC-6/19/09 |
Thank You Judge Mr. Timothy Robbins and Handler Pam Lambie |
Dolly wins Best of Sweepstakes - BARRC Supported |
Richmond Dog Fancier's - August 2, 2008 (Judge: Ms Sally Cook) |
CH JusticeRidge First Edition "Dolly" |
Mother's Day - May 11, 2008 (13 Months Old) |
Dolly wins her Junior Courser at 12 Months Old !
Dolly Wins her Junior Courser at 12 Months Old |
BARRC Lure Coursing Trial in Gilroy - April 26-27, 2008 |
We would like to introduce our first off-spring and champion
at JusticeRidge. Please welcome "CH JusticeRidge First Edition" aka "Dolly". I know she will make Ayla and Jamu
proud to carry on their legacy as the "First Edition" of JusticeRidge Rhodesian Ridgebacks.
CH JusticeRidge First Edition "Dolly" |
Moriah "Future Junior Handler" |
JusticeRidge First Edition "Dolly" - 16 Weeks Old |
Moriah and Amara Teaching Dolly |
Dolly and Grand Kids!
We have another Champion at JusticeRidge!
"Dreams Do Come True"
Dolly and Star |
Coming Home From Lompoc Exhausted! |